Customer Review of Senior Writer CV Writing by Nataliia Horbachova

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Senior Writer CV Writing

4.6 out of 5
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A profile picture depicting Nataliia Horbachova.
Nataliia Horbachova
The most accurate and reaching out CV I have ever had
Reviewed on | Senior CV/Resume Writing |Verified Purchase

I am absolutely amazed at the results of the work that has been done by James Innes Group!

Their ability to grasp the idea of what was my particular role in each job, and describe it in the best fitting, best-suitable words is beyond commendation.

It feels like they have known me for ages, while all they got from me is my draft CV, Cover letter and a couple of links.

Work with James Innes Group is easy and very rewarding: you just drop them your Resume, and they come back to you with the best version of You that you have always known exists. And here it is, manifested on paper!

They don’t make up things, everything is based on your actual experience. But after their work it just looks right - the way you would want it to look if you possessed all the skills and knowledge as they do in finding the right words and style to get your message about yourself across.

Thank you, James Innes Group!

Prosperity and Success to You!

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