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Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;
I used James Innes CV Centre for their premium CV/Resume service. Let me just say i should have done that sooner . It is not just about fresh pair of eyes immediately seeing things that one does not realise about themselves. I just discovered how i was selling myself short all these years, thinking small and going for small stuff. I am now holding a concrete, bold high level executive summary of my over 27 years work experience, thanks to Zeth.
He has been very patient as I forwarded several jobs that i wish to apply for . The feedback and comments during our exchanges were very empowering in terms to deepening understanding of myself and what i have achieved through my career. Zeth told me what i had not grasped for myself about myself- what drives and motivates me has not changed from since i left sensational journalism for development work. i am so grateful and happy -the service is fantastic and excellent value for money.